From the blog...

Setting Posts Lists Display

The Posts List display below is controled in /src/_data/structure.js and ships with 4 Component options by default in the postListStyle setting. Full instructions are in the comments in /src/_data/structure.js:90.

Currently setting = postListStyle: postslistcards

Defaults are:

  1. postslist = Just text links with Title, Date/Author, Excerpt
  2. postslistblocks = Block-style Grid with Title, Date/Author Image, Tag Pills, Excerpt
  3. postslistthumbs = Block-style Grid with Post Thumbnail, Title, Date/Author, Tag Pills, Excerpt
  4. postslistcards = Cards with Border, Dropshadow, Post Thumbnail, Title, Date/Author Image, Excerpt

You can find these components in /src/_includes/components/ and easily modify them or add your own by duplicating them to use as base for modifications.


Pagination is built in and currently set to display 12 entries.
Pagination will NOT display if there are fewer entries than set in the frontmater, pagination.size.

This template = /src/blog.njk.